

Quality care for 2, 3, and 4 year olds

Preschool enrollment requests for the 2025-26 school year are now open.
HAC Preschool Logo

Education that makes learning fun

The HAC Preschool curriculum emphasizes creative thinking and problem-solving skills, linguistic and social development, exploration, and play. Students receive a well-rounded early education experience facilitated by quality teachers. Our location offers children unique opportunities for physical activity, including weekly gym classes, maze play, and walks through the beautiful Tweed’s park.

Please contact Carla Lenderman at for 2025-2026 availability.


I have been so impressed with the exceptional teachers/assistants that you have as part of the HAC preschool and pre/after care roster. Everyone has been AMAZING, kind, patient, and supportive of each child’s journey. I could not have asked for anything more. What an outstanding crew! I am truly grateful to have had such an incredible preschool experience.

Miss Breda is a constant in the preschool. She is kind, caring, fun and the kids love her! This year, we are so appreciative of the extra love and attention she gives our sweet daughter. Miss Breda works on continuing what our daughter learns in her speech therapy sessions in the classroom and in aftercare. She regularly updates us at pick up and tells us funny things our daughter says :) thank you, Miss Breda!

As the school year is winding down, I am reflecting back on our wonderful experience this year and it is thanks to the outstanding teaching staff. Whether it is first thing in the morning or at the end of a long day, the teachers are kind, patient, and engaging. The lessons and activities have been consistently creative and fun all year. We are lucky to have such wonderful educators. I hope they know how very much they are appreciated.

Pricing for 2025-2026

Enrollment for preschool for members and non-members includes a $100 enrollment fee in addition to program pricing.

  • Mornings (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)

    5 Days a week

    Member: $440/ month

    Non Member: $470/ month

    3 Days a week (Monday, Wednesday, & Friday)

    Member: $366/ month

    Non Member: $396/ month

  • Extended Day (7:00 - 8:50 am & 12:00 - 5:30 pm)

    Please note that extended day preschool is available for ages 3 and up only. Programming for ages 2-3 is only available during mornings (9AM-12PM).

    5 Days a week

    Member: $782/ month

    Non Member: $891/ month

    3 Days a week

    Member: $477/ month

    Non Member: $535/ month

    2 Days a week 

    Member: $313/ month

    Non Member: $357/ month

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